Our feature film project Mami Wata is now being developed at Le Groupe Ouest‘s Less is More (LIM) European development lab for limited budget films. LIM is upported by Creative Europe – MEDIA Programme of the European Union, LIM | Less is More is led by Le Groupe Ouest (France), developed with Control N (Romania), Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds – VAF (Belgium), Krakow Festival Office – KBF (Poland), and the Transilvania International Film Festival – TIFF (Romania), in partnership with the Lithuanian Film Centre, the Norwegian Film Institute, as well as the Macedonian Film Agency. The first workshop takes place in Krakow, Poland. The second workshop in Transylvania/Cluj-Napoca in Romania in June, and the third workshop will take place in a yet to be determined place in Europe in October/November.
As you will recall, Mami Wata is also undergoing development at the European AudioVisual Enterpreneurs (EAVE) Producers Workshop beginning in Luxembourg in March, Serbia in June and October in Leipzig, Germany with producer Oge Obasi representing Fiery Film in the workshops.
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